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TOPIC: Mail this page IE9

Mail this page IE9 2 months ago #96


My problem is that "Mail this page" doesnt work under IE9 (JS doesnt work).

Butoon "Share this website" at the top of the page.

Re: Mail this page IE9 2 months ago #97

Mail this page definitely does work with IE9 - I will be happy to send you a link on our testing site where you can see it working in IE9.

The problem is with your site template. You have a huge number of scripts on your page, one of them appears to be incompatible with mootools in IE9, which is Joomla's javascript library. If you use IE9's developer tools and try to debug your page you will see a lot of errors being flagged in mootools, this usually happens when another script re-defines function names that mootools uses, its a naming conflict.

The Mail this page module uses mootools to create the slide effect, hence it shows up with this problem.

I suggest taking this up with the template author, it looks like a poorly written commercial template.

Re: Mail this page IE9 2 months ago #99

Thanks for response. It helped when i turned off "Mootools Upgrade" plugin.

Re: Mail this page IE9 2 months ago #101

Thanks for the info. The 'Mail this Page' module does work with the mootools upgrade plugin, but if one of the other scripts on your site was not compatible with it that would cause the problems you were having.

The problem with Internet Explorer is that when it encounters a javascript error, even a tiny one, it often gives up running scripts altogether - its annoying.
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Now compatible with Joomla 1.5 and 1.6 A module extension for the the Joomla 1.5 + 1.6 CMS. It displays a short excerpt from articles in a selected category or section, or from a specified list of articles, with link and optional thumbnail image.


Now compatible with Joomla 1.6. A module extension for the the Joomla 1.5 + 1.6 CMS. It displays a short excerpt from articles in a selected category or section, or from a specified list of articles, with link and optional thumbnail image.


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