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Imgen not working correctly on Joomla 1.7
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TOPIC: Imgen not working correctly on Joomla 1.7

Imgen not working correctly on Joomla 1.7 11 months, 2 weeks ago #222

I've just installed imgen component and plugin. I want to use it for resizing the images in the blog layout. I hope it will work, because I was so happy to have find a plugin like this!

My website is
You can see that the image is resizes to 100x100 and the link is replaced for a imgen link. Only the image is not showing. The folder or file is also not created. What can it be?

Thanks in advance!


Re: Imgen not working correctly on Joomla 1.7 11 months, 2 weeks ago #223

After a while it worked, I didn't do anything.

I'm trying to reproduce:
Changed the option: Encode image name = yes (it was no)
Result: images are not showing (see problem above)
Delete cache: no result (still not working)

Then I changed it back to Encode = no and it's still not working! Just like in the beginning.. this is very strange. I'm gonna wait (just like the last time) and hopefully it will work.. which is almost impossible, but who knows.

Re: Imgen not working correctly on Joomla 1.7 11 months, 2 weeks ago #224

Solved it by de-installing the component. Made the images folder writable and re-installed the component (not the plugin).

Re: Imgen not working correctly on Joomla 1.7 11 months, 2 weeks ago #225

I just wanted to say that I'm very happy with the plugin!! I only added a class and some css to make them float left en added a border. Perfect!! Thank you!

imageResizer.php line 115:
 $replacementText = ' src="'.$replacementSrc.'" class="imageresized" width="'.$width.'" height="'.$height.'"'.$replacementClass.$replacementTitle.$replacementAlt;

.imageresized {
border: 1px solid #999;
Last Edit: 11 months, 2 weeks ago by Nieuwe Aarde.

Re: Imgen not working correctly on Joomla 1.7 11 months, 2 weeks ago #226

Thanks for sharing the info. Yes the images folder needs to be writable (755). The component attempts to create the caching folder (images/imgen) when it is installed, if the images folder isn't writable then this can't happen.

If you don't want your images folder to be writable you can create a writable cache folder anywhere you want on your site, and change the 'Default Resized Images Folder' parameter in the component configuration to use that folder.

Re: Imgen not working correctly on Joomla 1.7 11 months, 2 weeks ago #227

In my case the image folder had to be 777, but I dont mind, the alternative will do just fine.
Another note: resizing the images doesn't work for images that are in a subfolder with a space in it. I had to rename the folder 'bewust zijn' to 'bewust_zijn'. No problem for me, but just to let you know!

Re: Imgen not working correctly on Joomla 1.7 11 months, 2 weeks ago #228

It isn't a good idea to have a space in the folder name, it isn't strictly a valid url.

Re: Imgen not working correctly on Joomla 1.7 11 months, 2 weeks ago #229

Me again..

I dont want the images to be resized in the articles. Now you can only set width and height. It would be nice if you can turn it off in the parameters.
For now i'll start looking in the code unless you have a other solution?

Re: Imgen not working correctly on Joomla 1.7 11 months, 2 weeks ago #230

You can edit imageResizer.php lines 49 to 69:-

		if($layout == 'blog')
$width = (int)$pluginParams->get('thumbnailWidth','100');
$height = (int)$pluginParams->get('thumbnailHeight','100');
$view = JRequest::getVar('view','article');
if($view == 'frontpage'||$view == 'featured')
$width = (int)$pluginParams->get('frontpageWidth','200');
$height = (int)$pluginParams->get('frontpageHeight','200');
$width = (int)$pluginParams->get('articleWidth','300');
$height = (int)$pluginParams->get('articleHeight','300');


		if($layout == 'blog')
$width = (int)$pluginParams->get('thumbnailWidth','100');
$height = (int)$pluginParams->get('thumbnailHeight','100');
The following user(s) said Thank You: Nieuwe Aarde

Re: Imgen not working correctly on Joomla 1.7 11 months, 2 weeks ago #231

Thank you!

Last question.. how can I disable the image resizing for every other image? I only want it for the blog layout.
I've tried to add the line
if($layout == 'blog') { .... }

But that didn't work.. i'm not that good in coding (only know small things).

It only resizes the images when in blog layout, but it not only resizes the article images, also the module images. When i'm in the article layout the module images are back.
Last Edit: 11 months, 2 weeks ago by Nieuwe Aarde.

Re: Imgen not working correctly on Joomla 1.7 11 months, 2 weeks ago #234

The code I post should do that - do you mean something else? I don't quite understand.

Re: Imgen not working correctly on Joomla 1.7 11 months, 2 weeks ago #236

I've solved it by changing the way of image resizing in the modules.
Thanks for everything!

Re: Imgen not working correctly on Joomla 1.7 10 months, 1 week ago #268

Solution by
"I modified the file /plugins/content/imageResizer/imageResizer.php at line 104

adding this regular expression to bypass the resizing procedure :
if(!preg_match('/\?/',$subPatterns[1]) && (!preg_match('/banners/',$subPatterns[1])) )

and i've putted all my banners in the subfolder images/banners/ "
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