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TOPIC: sh404sef issue

sh404sef issue 7 months, 3 weeks ago #286

  • Rehan K.
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 5
  • Karma: 0
I have the mod crontroller installed and it shows the module on main page BUT not on the shop sub page. I believe its because of the sh404sef friendly urls

can it work with se freindly urls?

Re: sh404sef issue 7 months, 3 weeks ago #287

Using SEF Urls should not cause any problems. It is much more likely that you are making a mistake with the settings, it can be complex to get right.

Can you explain which pages you are trying to display your module on? I should be able to tell you which settings to use.

There is documentation here on how to use the module:
Last Edit: 7 months, 3 weeks ago by Susan Boggler.

Re: sh404sef issue 7 months, 3 weeks ago #288

  • Rehan K.
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 5
  • Karma: 0
this is my site ( you can see the mod controller working on the home page under the RANDOM PRODUCTS section )

but it doesn't work on the shop page

Re: sh404sef issue 7 months, 3 weeks ago #289

As it says in the documentation, you should set the module to display on all pages in the menu assignment.

You use the VM ModController parameters to handle which pages you want it to appear. If you want it to display on the shop front page set the VM page parameter to shop.index, that is the name that Virtuemart uses for the shop front page.

Re: sh404sef issue 7 months, 3 weeks ago #290

  • Rehan K.
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 5
  • Karma: 0
i did try that
please browse the site now. I have shop.index + shop.browse selected
and all menus selected on the left

Re: sh404sef issue 7 months, 3 weeks ago #291

I am sorry but I don't know what I am supposed to be looking for. Could you please explain clearly what it is that you want to happen.

Which module are you trying to display through the VM mod controller?
Which pages do you want it to appear on?

If you don't tell me this how do you expect me to know how to help you?

Re: sh404sef issue 7 months, 3 weeks ago #292

  • Rehan K.
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 5
  • Karma: 0
can you see the pics i posted? it shows on there that I have enabled your mod controller script ( i have now enabled it to select all menus ) and I am trying to show the VW random products module on virtuemart shop.index. I will attach the new setting pics again now. hope its clear.

you can see the random products module tab showing on all the pages ( ) without any products showing.
I want the Random products module to show on this page


Re: sh404sef issue 7 months, 3 weeks ago #293

You also need to make sure that the Random Products module in its settings is set to appear on all pages in the Joomla menu assignment - otherwise Joomla will not allow it to appear regardless of what settings you choose in the VM Modcontroller.

If that does not solve your problem you should check that the page being displayed as your shop front page actually is the shop.index page, it is not obvious from your site whether it is that or not. It may be a category browse page, in which case you should add 'shop.browse' to the list of pages selected on the VM Page Parameter.

If you want it to display on a product details page then add shop.product_details as well. De-select the flypage.tpl selection from the Flypage parameter. You only need to use that if you only want to display on one particular type of flypage.

At the moment you are seeing the Random Products title being displayed on all your pages. You can turn that off by turning off the title display in the Random Products module settings. Alternatively uploading the modules.php file may solve that, as described in the documentation.

Re: sh404sef issue 7 months, 3 weeks ago #294

  • Rehan K.
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 5
  • Karma: 0
got it working
i didnt have the random product module selected for all menus
thanks for u're help
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VirtueMart Featured Products Grid

Switch View

This module can be used as a replacement for the Virtuemart featured products, top products, random products or recent products modules. It displays product images as a 3 Dimensional Flash slideshow.


Buy both our Flash slideshow products for Virtuemart and save £5.


A module extension for the the Joomla CMS. It plays a random list of mp3s using the Flash media player.

This module displays a short excerpt from articles in a selected category or section, or from a specified list of articles, with link and optional thumbnail image.
