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Getting VM Flash Slideshow to show up in VM module
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TOPIC: Getting VM Flash Slideshow to show up in VM module

Getting VM Flash Slideshow to show up in VM module 11 months, 1 week ago #163


I need to get VM Flash Slideshow to show up in a module I've placed in my flypage. I seem to be able to get any other module to show up, but not VM Slideshow. Is there something I need to change in the code to be able to accomplish this?

I've placed the <jdoc:include.../> directly into the flypage instead of the template. It just doesn't want to work with the VM Flash for some reason.

Kindest regards,


Re: Getting VM Flash Slideshow to show up in VM module 11 months, 1 week ago #164

I think that if you are seeing nothing at all then the most likely explanation is that due to a problem with the way that you are including it, the scripts that load the Flash movie are not being added to the page. The module uses Flash javascript detection by default, if Flash is detected the movie will be loaded. If the script that does that is not available then obviously you will see nothing.

You can either set the 'Javascript Enabled' parameter to 'no', then the Flash objected will be embedded directly in the html, or you can load the script yourself in the flypage, it will need to be loaded before the module is included, its path is


If it was an error in the module itself then you would expect to see something at least, even if it was not what you wanted to see, so this is the likely explanation.

If this does not solve the problem, could you give me an URL where I can see the problem?

Re: Getting VM Flash Slideshow to show up in VM module 11 months, 1 week ago #166

Hey Susan,

Thank you for getting back to me so soon! I have tried both possible solutions that you have suggested. First, I disabled the Javascript Enabled Paramter which gave no change. Then I reenabled it again. Second, I loaded the javascript file 'detectflash.js' using the following code at the head of my flypage:

This provided no change either. I even went as far as placing the entire js file's contents INSIDE my flypage to see if there were still issues.

As requested, here's my URL:

Please let me know if you need anymore information or clarifications.

Kindest regards

Re: Getting VM Flash Slideshow to show up in VM module 11 months, 1 week ago #167

Apologies. Here was the code I used to load it in the head section of the flypage: src="../components/com_vmgalleryxml/assets/detectflash.js" type="text/javascript">
Last Edit: 11 months, 1 week ago by Torrey Dupras.

Re: Getting VM Flash Slideshow to show up in VM module 11 months, 1 week ago #168

What is the URL where you are trying to display it?

Also, do you see the module title or any other output at all? If you look in the module parameters there is a 'description' parameter where you can add some extra text, try putting something there which you can use to test the output.

If you really see nothing at all then it has to be a problem with the way you are trying to display the module, eg perhaps you have forgotten to assign it to any pages. I have never tried to assign a module the way you are doing this, but I would assume that you need to assign it to all pages and make sure it is published in the module manager for it to show up.

Also have you remembered to turn off the system caching while you are doing this?
Last Edit: 11 months, 1 week ago by Susan Boggler.

Re: Getting VM Flash Slideshow to show up in VM module 11 months, 1 week ago #169

Sorry about that. Forum posting is a little new to me. Here is the URL:

I will try to use some test text in the description. I have remembered to assign it to specific pages. The system caching is off.

Re: Getting VM Flash Slideshow to show up in VM module 11 months, 1 week ago #170

It is working when I look at it.

Possibly this is a problem with your web browser, it may be caching the page. Try deleting all temporary internet files.

Re: Getting VM Flash Slideshow to show up in VM module 11 months, 1 week ago #171

Alright, as you can see from the URL I sent you, I have been able to load the module into another position specific to just this page. I am not able to load the module into the position which is noted by the text "Where is my flash gallery?" called 'productgallery'.

I can load any other module such as search or login, etc., into the position 'productgallery' but not the vm_flash.

Also, is there a way for the vm_flash_slideshow to be "product id" specific instead of category id specific?

Again, thank you for both your patience and help on this!

Re: Getting VM Flash Slideshow to show up in VM module 11 months, 1 week ago #172

Looking at the source code for the page, just before 'where is my Flash gallery?' it has

<jdoc:include type="modules" name="productgallery" style="xhtml" />

The include statement has just been output, rather than the module output. This is a problem with the way you are trying to include the module, perhaps you have made a mistake with the name of the module position or something like that?

It's not a problem being caused by the module though.

To be honest I am a bit surprised that you ever managed to make this method work at all though - when you tried with other modules did you really use exactly the same method.

I don't think this is something I can solve for you I'm afraid, its just a case of checking carefully what you did before and tracking down where you are making a mistake with the method this time.

Re: Getting VM Flash Slideshow to show up in VM module 11 months, 1 week ago #173

Well, so far, I have been able to get the module to work in that position, but only if I relabel the position as something which is already available in the template (e.g., "login"). Now I just need to find an answer to the question as to how why virtuemart will not recognize a new template position already within the (component) part of a template.

I should be able to figure that out on my own.

I will start a new thread for my second question on product_id specificity.

Re: Getting VM Flash Slideshow to show up in VM module 11 months, 1 week ago #174

OH, I almost forgot...Thank you for your help on this one!

Re: Getting VM Flash Slideshow to show up in VM module 11 months, 1 week ago #177

You're welcome. You may find that adding the module position to the template 'templateDetails.xml' file enables Virtuemart to recognise it.

Another thing you could try is using the Joomla 'loadPosition' content plugin - Virtuemart can display content plugins - but then the module would have to display inside the product description so if you can get the module position to load directly into the flypage template then that would be better.
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Buy both our Flash slideshow products for Virtuemart and save £5.


A Flash puzzle game for the Joomla! content management system. This would be suitable for a site aimed at children.


A module extension for the the Joomla CMS. It plays a random list of mp3s using the Flash media player.
