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VM Mod Controller not show on manufacturer page
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TOPIC: VM Mod Controller not show on manufacturer page

VM Mod Controller not show on manufacturer page 1 year ago #120


At first thanks for your module which is so useful for virtuemart.

I only have one problem with the shop.manufacturer_page where the module isn't display.
All others pages i need work well.

i think it could come from the link i use to open the page.
Links are generate by mod_virtuemart_manufacturers_1.1.0 and look like that

Can you help me please to find a solution.


My config
Joomla 1.5.23
Virtuemart 1.1.8
Last Edit: 1 year ago by yann delanaux.

Re: VM Mod Controller not show on manufacturer page 1 year ago #121

The page you show the link for is page 'shop.browse' not 'shop.manufacturer_page', if you want the module to display on that page you will need to set the VM Page parameter to 'shop.browse'.

Re: VM Mod Controller not show on manufacturer page 1 year ago #122

Thanks for quick answer

It is already set on shop.browse
I also use categories filter
Other setting aren't use

Re: VM Mod Controller not show on manufacturer page 1 year ago #123

It's because you are filtering by category as well - the url


does not include a category id. If you filter by category only urls that include a category id that matches the category filter will display the module

Re: VM Mod Controller not show on manufacturer page 1 year ago #124

Ok i understand,
And do you see an other way for get my module display on my link ?

Last Edit: 1 year ago by yann delanaux.

Re: VM Mod Controller not show on manufacturer page 1 year ago #125

Could you explain a bit more clearly what you are trying to do? Are you trying to display a module for one particular manufacturer? Different modules for different manufacturer pages? Or do you just want it to display when a browse page for any manufacturer is being viewed.

At the moment there are no options for filtering by manufacturer, but it is an option we could think about adding.
The following user(s) said Thank You: yann delanaux

Re: VM Mod Controller not show on manufacturer page 1 year ago #127

Ok sorry,
my english is a little poor

In my situation i think a display for shop.browse&'any manufactrer' could be enough.

A second module for woman categorise should be display on shop.browse.manufaturer

Hope it is understandable
thanks for interest.
Last Edit: 1 year ago by yann delanaux.

Re: VM Mod Controller not show on manufacturer page 1 year ago #129

Don't loose time with this problem i have find an other way.

i will stop to use virtuemart manufactured system and creat manufacturer like a category.
Like that VM Mod Controller can display all module like i want.

Thanks a lot for support

Re: VM Mod Controller not show on manufacturer page 1 year ago #130

OK, I can think about this and whether this can be done.

Re: VM Mod Controller not show on manufacturer page 1 year ago #132

I think that if that is all that you want to do then the easiest thing is to modify the code directly. You will need to edit the module file helper.php

add the lines

$manufacturer = JRequest::getVar('manufacturer_id', null);
$renderModule = true;

You will need to put them on line 287, immediately before the line

return $renderModule;

The effect of this will be to check whether a manufacturer id is being set, and render the module output if this is the case.

If you do this, it will apply to all instances of the module, so if you want to use it in other ways then this won't be useful.
Last Edit: 1 year ago by Susan Boggler.
The following user(s) said Thank You: yann delanaux

Re: VM Mod Controller not show on manufacturer page 1 year ago #134

So nice

Exactly what i wanted

Thanks again

Re: VM Mod Controller not show on manufacturer page 1 year ago #158

Hi, it's me again

i have another problem,
I starting to use artio joomsef for url rewriting

Vm controller work well on category page and manufacturer page, but failed to filter module display on product page?

Any idea ?
Do you want i open a new post ?

Re: VM Mod Controller not show on manufacturer page 1 year ago #159

Hello, if you want the module to display on the product details page you need to add 'shop.product_details' on the list of pages selected on the VM Page parameter.

You only need to select specific flypages if you only want to display on one or more specific types of flypages.

If you are asking for something else please explain in a bit more detail what you want.

Re: VM Mod Controller not show on manufacturer page 1 year ago #160

I forgot to add, using an URL rewriting extension should not affect the module, unless it is a poorly written one that overwrites the request variables. In a good SEF extension the original request variables should still be available to the module, whatever the URL being viewed looks like.

If starting to use an SEF extension has caused problems you should raise this with the author of the SEF extension, it is most likely that it has overwritten one of the request variables.
The following user(s) said Thank You: yann delanaux

Re: VM Mod Controller not show on manufacturer page 1 year ago #161

i use Artio joomsef who give a lot setting possibility.
Now i know than url rewriting don't create issue with vm controller i m sure it come from my artio setting.

Thanks for informations.

Re: VM Mod Controller not show on manufacturer page 1 year ago #162

i have find origin of problem

My sef system add manufacturer_id on all detail product page (in real url)
the nice hack you give me upper display module each-time manufacturer_id is use.

is there a way to exclude shop.product_details page of the hack ?

IF manufacturer_id is use AND shop.product_details isn't use -> $renderModule = true;


Re: VM Mod Controller not show on manufacturer page 1 year ago #165

Yes you can modify the code:-

$manufacturer = JRequest::getVar('manufacturer_id', null);
if(isset($manufacturer) && $page != 'shop.product_details')
$renderModule = true;
Last Edit: 1 year ago by Susan Boggler. Reason: correcting coding error
The following user(s) said Thank You: yann delanaux
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