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Cannot get article to rotate
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TOPIC: Cannot get article to rotate

Cannot get article to rotate 1 week ago #48

I have just purchased Featured Items Pro and have it installed on Joomla 1.6. I want it to show and rotate various short articles in a category. I have it installed and positioned where I want it but I cannot get it to randomly show more than I article. I have it set to the correct category but I can only select one article at a time. It will show the one article just fine.

Re: Cannot get article to rotate 5 days, 13 hours ago #51


I am not entirely clear about what your problem is. Are you saying that you are having problems actually selecting more than one article in the module parameters? You need to use Control-click to select more than one article.

Or are you saying that you are selecting the articles and they are not being displayed? Which layout are you using?

If you want to select individual articles you don't need to select a category, it is better to leave that as the root category, just select the articles.

If you want to randomly show articles from a category, just select the category, don't select the articles.

There is more information about this here:

Re: Cannot get article to rotate 4 days, 11 hours ago #53

I can select the articles fine and un-select them. However if I choose my category and un-select the articles, when I save it the "all articles" is selected again and it shows all 3 articles (I want random-one at a time)

I have tried different combinations and even added an article and now the 3 show up.

I can select "root" and high light all the articles and all 3 articles show.
I can select the category and "all articles" and all 3 articles show.

I wanted random but when I selected "recently added first" all 3 articles show.

"If you want to randomly show articles from a category, just select the category, don't select the articles." === When I do this, after saving, "all articles" is now shown as "selected" and all 3 article show up. It just acts like the "random" is not working.

I may be setting up something wrong but what I want is for random articles to be shown from a category.

Any ideas?? Thanks

Re: Cannot get article to rotate 4 days, 11 hours ago #54

More info - I have this mod on Paradux/Gantry Template from Rocketheme

Re: Cannot get article to rotate 3 days, 13 hours ago #55

I believe it will be possible to do what you want, but I am still a bit confused by what that is.

If you want to restrict the display to one article at a time then set the 'count' parameter to 1, this controls the number of articles that is actually displayed. It is the very first parameter, so it is easy to find.

Set the ordering to random, to have the one that is actually displayed selected at random.

To have it randomly selected from a category, just choose the category.

To have it randomly selected from a set of articles, leave the category alone, select the articles.

You can also consider using the rotator layout. In that case a javascript rotator will show each of the articles in sequence, you will need to set the 'count' parameter to more than one for this effect to work.

Re: Cannot get article to rotate 3 days, 11 hours ago #57

Thank you very much - that did it. I was not clear that I wanted only 1 article at a time. Nice Mod!
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Now compatible with Joomla 1.6. A module extension for the the Joomla 1.5 + 1.6 CMS. It displays a short excerpt from articles in a selected category or section, or from a specified list of articles, with link and optional thumbnail image.


A Flash puzzle game for the Joomla! content management system. This would be suitable for a site aimed at children. Compatible with Joomla 1.5 and Joomla 1.6.


A featured items module that shows selected entries from the SOBI2 business index.


Buy both our Flash slideshow products for Virtuemart and save £5.
