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Text Position on Tab format
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TOPIC: Text Position on Tab format

Text Position on Tab format 3 days, 5 hours ago #40

Hi! When using the horizaontal tab setup, is there any way to get the text to show below the image the way it does on the vertical tab setup? I've looked everywhere, but can't figure out how to do it. I'd like the image to be as large as possible. Thanks.

Re: Text Position on Tab format 2 days, 16 hours ago #41

I think that the simplest way to do this is to edit the template for the tab-pane, to put a clearing line-break after the image, then the text will be forced to start on the line below.

To do this, edit the module file tmpl/tabpane.php, change lines 16 to 17 from:-

   echo $item->imageTag;
echo $item->text;


   echo $item->imageTag;
echo '<br style="clear:both;" />';
echo $item->text;

You can also do this through template overriding rather than editing the module template file, see
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