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Featured Items Slideshow not displaying properly?
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TOPIC: Featured Items Slideshow not displaying properly?

Featured Items Slideshow not displaying properly? 2 months ago #30

Hey guys,

Just purchased featured items slideshow and installed it as per your documentation.

However there is no "slideshow", it's just listing the articles it should be sliding through....

I have attached an image of what's happening.


Re: Featured Items Slideshow not displaying properly? 2 months ago #32

I don't see any image I'm afraid.

From your description this is a javascript error of some sort.

Can you give some basic information about your site? Which version of Joomla are you using? Are you using Mootools 1.1 or 1.2?

There is a bug in the latest release of Joomla which may be causing this, if so it is not difficult to fix. It may also be a problem with something else on your page causing scripting errors, if that happens it can cause the execution of scripts on your page to halt, which would lead to the result that you see.

If you give me the URL where I can see this happening then I can tell you what the problem is.

Re: Featured Items Slideshow not displaying properly? 3 weeks, 1 day ago #131

Mine is not working as well. We are using Joomla 1.15.22. The link to our site is below. Its the four articles on the bottom that should be working. They are the pictues of the simpsons. It doesn't even show the arrows. Please advise.

Thank you for your time,

Re: Featured Items Slideshow not displaying properly? 3 weeks, 1 day ago #133

This appears to be a problem with your javascript library. The module is designed to work with the mootools javascript library which Joomla uses - your template seems to have removed it altogether!

Sorry but this is a problem with your site not the module.

You can try enabling the mootools upgrade plugin, that might help.

Also please note that the topic of this discussion was a different module. If you have a new support question, please post a new topic, don't tag it onto a different unrelated one.
Last Edit: 3 weeks, 1 day ago by Susan Boggler.

Re: Featured Items Slideshow not displaying properly? 3 weeks, 1 day ago #135

My aplogies on the post.

An inexperienced programmer created this template and we're just trying to get it fixed. Thank you for your time. We will resolve this issue.

Re: Featured Items Slideshow not displaying properly? 3 weeks ago #136

No problem.

Some of the problems might also be due to the fact that some other scripts on your site use the JQuery javascript library - this can cause conflicts with the Mootools library that Joomla uses.

It's an issue that has sometimes affected other customers, so we are working to include a workaround for this problem in new releases of these modules, they should be available in the next few days. You may find it helps to download the new releases.

I will post a note here when they are available.

Re: Featured Items Slideshow not displaying properly? 2 weeks, 4 days ago #146

There is a new version of the carousel module available now, you can download it using your old download id, upload and install as normal using the Joomla installer.

You may find it works better, as it is designed to be able to work alongside extensions that use JQuery without causing conflicts. It does however still require the Joomla mootools library.

The should be a new version of featured items pro available in the next few days.
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VirtueMart Featured Products Grid

Switch View

Now compatible with Joomla 1.6 A module extension for the the Joomla 1.5 and Joomla 1.6 CMS. It plays a random list of mp3s using the Flash media player.

This module can be used as a replacement for the Virtuemart featured products, top products, random products or recent products modules. It displays product images as a 3 Dimensional Flash slideshow.


Now compatible with Joomla 1.5 and 1.6 A module extension for the the Joomla 1.5 + 1.6 CMS. It displays a short excerpt from articles in a selected category or section, or from a specified list of articles, with link and optional thumbnail image.


A Flash puzzle game for the Joomla! content management system. This would be suitable for a site aimed at children. Compatible with Joomla 1.5 and Joomla 1.6.
