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Notice: Undefined index: imageSliders
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TOPIC: Notice: Undefined index: imageSliders

Notice: Undefined index: imageSliders 8 months ago #151

i have this error when i have updated Featured Item Carouseel at the last version

Notice: Undefined index: imageSliders in /home/****/public_html/******/modules/mod_featureditems_carousel/helper.php on line 123

Can you help me Please
thank you very much

Re: Notice: Undefined index: imageSliders 8 months ago #153

It's not an error, just an information notice. If you are seeing it, it is because your system error reporting level is too high, you should turn it down.

The line it refers to should not cause any problem which prevents the module from working.

Re: Notice: Undefined index: imageSliders 7 months, 3 weeks ago #186

thank you for your help but i have disable erroer

display_errors Off STDOUT
display_startup_errors Off Off

but message is always here

Re: Notice: Undefined index: imageSliders 7 months, 2 weeks ago #187

OK, try downloading the latest version, which is 3.2.2 - there have been a couple of minor updates to deal with bugs, I think that this should fix your problem.
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VirtueMart Featured Products Grid

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Buy both our Flash slideshow products for Virtuemart and save £5.


This module can be used as a replacement for the Virtuemart featured products, top products, random products or recent products modules. It displays product images as a 3 Dimensional Flash slideshow.


A module extension for the the Joomla CMS. It plays a random list of mp3s using the Flash media player.

A featured items module that shows selected entries from the SOBI2 business index.
