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 Subject :Re:Google Base datafeed not displaying all Products.. 05-01-2011 15:58:35 
Spiral Scripts Support
Joined: 18-08-2009 10:14:13
Posts: 211
Forum : Virtuemart Extensions
Topic : Google Base datafeed not displaying all Products

How many products are you trying to display? Which ordering are you using? Ie random products, most recent products, top products, products on special, or all products?

If you are displaying all products from all categories then it is better to leave the category id parameter blank, if you want to list categories you will need to list subcategories as well as the parent categories.

There is a 'Maximum Number of Products to Display' parameter, make sure that it is sufficiently large to display all.

Also if you have the same product in more than one category it will only display one instance, again this is to comply with Google conditions, they won't accept duplicated products in different categories.
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susan subway boggler
 Subject :Re:Google Base datafeed not displaying all Products.. 05-01-2011 15:30:13 
Joined: 23-12-2010 16:21:05
Posts: 3
Forum : Virtuemart Extensions
Topic : Google Base datafeed not displaying all Products

in the rss feed that the component produces (and subsequent xml.txt file) we are missing say rough estimate a third of our products. I just double checked, futzed with, parameters still not getting everything in the feed.
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 Subject :Re:Google Base datafeed not displaying all Products.. 05-01-2011 15:09:03 
Spiral Scripts Support
Joined: 18-08-2009 10:14:13
Posts: 211
Forum : Virtuemart Extensions
Topic : Google Base datafeed not displaying all Products

To be clear about this, are you saying that the products are not appearing in the RSS file that the component generates, or are you saying that they are not showing up in the product listing in Google?
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susan subway boggler
 Subject :Re:Google Base datafeed not displaying all Products.. 05-01-2011 14:28:42 
Joined: 23-12-2010 16:21:05
Posts: 3
Forum : Virtuemart Extensions
Topic : Google Base datafeed not displaying all Products

price is included on all products, trying to discern why some products are not being included, don't see anything different from the ones that are being included. I can send relevant links, login via IM, thanks:
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 Subject :Re:Piano Pro Top Menu.. 05-01-2011 11:11:31 
Spiral Scripts Support
Joined: 18-08-2009 10:14:13
Posts: 211
Forum : Templates
Topic : Piano Pro Top Menu

There is no parameter controlling the 2nd level drop down fields, the only ones affecting the size are
#leftcol li a, #rightcol li a { line-height:24px; }

If you want to reduce the size of the 2nd level items then you will need to add some extra code, you will probably need to experiment a bit to get the effect that you want, probably a good place to start is
#leftcol li ul li ul li a , #rightcol li ul li ul li a { line-height:18px; font-size: 0.9em; }

If you want to apply the same to the top menu then try
#topmenu li ul li ul li a{ line-height:18px; font-size: 0.9em; }
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susan subway boggler
 Subject :Re:Google Base datafeed not displaying all Products.. 05-01-2011 10:45:44 
Spiral Scripts Support
Joined: 18-08-2009 10:14:13
Posts: 211
Forum : Virtuemart Extensions
Topic : Google Base datafeed not displaying all Products

Based on what you have told me it is very difficult to say. Can you give me some idea which products are not being displayed? I might be able to give you a meaningful answer then.

The only obvious answer is that the product feed will not include products that don't have a price - this is because Google will not accept them, they only accept product listings which include a non-zero price, they will be automitically dropped otherwise. There is nothing that can be done about this, it is Google's policy.
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susan subway boggler
 Subject :Re:Piano Pro Top Menu.. 05-01-2011 05:30:15 
Joined: 30-12-2010 21:57:11
Posts: 4
Forum : Templates
Topic : Piano Pro Top Menu

No problem at all. Top menu works now. Thanks for the module position hint.

I would like to reduce in length the 2nd level drop down menu fields. They are now
around 148 pixels. I would like to reduce them to 100. I assume I have to change the menu.css of the template. Could you let me know in which line the parameter shows up?
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Last Edited On: 05-01-2011 05:33:39 By hptschupp for the Reason
 Subject :Google Base datafeed not displaying all Products.. 04-01-2011 20:42:34 
Joined: 23-12-2010 16:21:05
Posts: 3
Forum : Virtuemart Extensions
Topic : Google Base datafeed not displaying all Products


our data feed is not displaying all virtuemart products even though i have all products clicked in the parameters admin. Any thoughts on how to fix? thanks for time,


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 Subject :Re:Piano Pro Top Menu.. 04-01-2011 10:14:27 
Spiral Scripts Support
Joined: 18-08-2009 10:14:13
Posts: 211
Forum : Templates
Topic : Piano Pro Top Menu

Sorry, I didn't intend to insult your knowledge of Joomla. It's difficult for me to tell - our customers range from people who are completely new to this internet thingie to extremely knowledgeable and experienced developers. I thought it best to mention about Joomla 1.6 because there are probably people who don't realise it has not been officially released yet.
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susan subway boggler
 Subject :Re:Piano Pro Top Menu.. 03-01-2011 21:47:23 
Joined: 30-12-2010 21:57:11
Posts: 4
Forum : Templates
Topic : Piano Pro Top Menu

Thanks. I will try this out. I don't use it as a production site. I run 5 other Joomla 1.5 sites and am well aware of the fact that 1.6 is still beta.

But I use it as a test site and try to implement whatever is possible. I also will get familiar with 1.6 before it's out.
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Last Edited On: 03-01-2011 21:48:05 By hptschupp for the Reason
 Subject :Re:Piano Pro Top Menu.. 03-01-2011 19:22:20 
Spiral Scripts Support
Joined: 18-08-2009 10:14:13
Posts: 211
Forum : Templates
Topic : Piano Pro Top Menu

Sorry there is a bug with the template that means that position-1 won't display on its own, if you set the position to user3 then it should work, the positions are the same.

If you are using a menu module other than the Joomla menu you may need to adapt the css for it to display horizontally.

You don't need a plugin for the popup menus, the template includes them. Suckerfish is the name for a common css technique for creating popup menus.

You just need to enable the option 'Show Sub-menu Items' in the menu parameters.

Joomla 1.6 is not intended to be used for production sites yet, if you are planning to use this as a production site you would do better to use Joomla 1.5, as it will be far less buggy.
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Last Edited On: 03-01-2011 19:23:40 By boggler for the Reason
susan subway boggler
 Subject :Re:Piano Pro Top Menu.. 03-01-2011 15:56:27 
Joined: 30-12-2010 21:57:11
Posts: 4
Forum : Templates
Topic : Piano Pro Top Menu

Thanks for the fast reply.

I tried this out but:

1) My menu shows up vertical. How can I make it horizontal. I didn't see any parameters for this layout option.

2) Drop down. Don't I need Suckerfish or a similar plugin to create drop-down menus?

(Joomla 1.6)
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 Subject :Re:Piano Pro Top Menu.. 03-01-2011 11:04:39 
Spiral Scripts Support
Joined: 18-08-2009 10:14:13
Posts: 211
Forum : Templates
Topic : Piano Pro Top Menu

Hi, it's quite easy. You just create your menu first using the Joomla menu manager.

Then use the module manager to assign it to position 'user3' or 'position-1'. 'position-1' is the preferred Joomla one for Joomla 1.6 but either should work. Then is should automatically display as you want.
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susan subway boggler
 Subject :Piano Pro Top Menu.. 03-01-2011 05:28:06 
Joined: 30-12-2010 21:57:11
Posts: 4
Forum : Templates
Topic : Piano Pro Top Menu

How can I establish the top menu as you have it in your example (horizontally, subitems etc).

I use Joomla 1.6

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Last Edited On: 03-01-2011 05:29:10 By hptschupp for the Reason
 Subject :Re:please.. 20-12-2010 11:03:53 
Spiral Scripts Support
Joined: 18-08-2009 10:14:13
Posts: 211
Forum : Featured Items Modules
Topic : please

We are working on this now, and planning a release in the New Year, as well as a new release of the current VM Flash Slideshow modules.
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susan subway boggler
 Subject :Re:according group's viewed.. 20-12-2010 10:57:25 
Spiral Scripts Support
Joined: 18-08-2009 10:14:13
Posts: 211
Forum : Featured Items Modules
Topic : according group's viewed

Hi, it does not display articles by the group currently visited. It can display articles by the currently profiled user, but that's as far as it goes.

We are planning a new module on similar lines to the current featured items modules, which will display a Flash slideshow of images.

We will also be looking at incorporating video display, and the display of additional images and links into the featured items pro and carousel module.
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susan subway boggler
 Subject :Re:mod_featured items carousel?.. 20-12-2010 10:53:35 
Spiral Scripts Support
Joined: 18-08-2009 10:14:13
Posts: 211
Forum : Featured Items Modules
Topic : mod_featured items carousel?

The module supports the following fields:-


The problem is that each type of field has its own way of representing its data, it is not possible to support arbitrary field types.

If you need the price to be displayed then you would need to put it in a html or text field as you wish it to appear.

Since Resources will allow you to create fields that don't appear in the normal article display then the simplest solution would seem to be to just create a specific field that would display exactly the description that you wish to appear in the module, which could include the price.

If you wish to forward me a copy of the price field plugin that you are using I will look to see what is required to support that field type. You can send it to the same email address you received your order confirmation from.
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susan subway boggler
 Subject :mod_featured items carousel?.. 19-12-2010 17:35:26 
Joined: 19-12-2010 14:56:09
Posts: 1
Forum : Featured Items Modules
Topic : mod_featured items carousel?

I downloaded a mod and installed. I am using Mighty Res and need to show some fields in module but it shows only the value of the field. I need to show the description of the field (ie Field text, Price: 2000 EUR) but it show only the 2000, not even the sign EUR. How can i solve this?
Thank you
You can see it at
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 Subject :Re:please.. 19-12-2010 12:14:03 
Joined: 19-12-2010 12:05:20
Posts: 2
Forum : Featured Items Modules
Topic : please

that would be great because mighty ressource using with mighty commerce is very powerfull
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 Subject :according group's viewed.. 19-12-2010 12:12:33 
Joined: 19-12-2010 12:05:20
Posts: 2
Forum : Featured Items Modules
Topic : according group's viewed

i 'am new, i'm using mighty ressource / touch components and i would like to know if yours modules can display articles according group's currently visited and if i'm member of this group, "articles of my group"
second question : i love your mighty modules ? Do you have projects about news modules ?
thank you
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 Subject :Re:External links within articles being stripped out.. 17-12-2010 10:48:36 
Spiral Scripts Support
Joined: 18-08-2009 10:14:13
Posts: 211
Forum : Featured Items Modules
Topic : External links within articles being stripped out

Hi, yes the module does strip out html tags including links from the extract. This is for the practical reason that if it did not do this the likelihood is that you would end up with invalid html, if the extract contained some opening html tags but no closing tags. This could cause a lot of problems with the display of your site.

There are two ways around this: use the entire introtext, which is an option for the module. In this case the html tags are not stripped out, since the html can be assumed to be valid.

The second is to use a comment tag. If you use a tag of the form

<!--comment:ANY TEXT-->

ANY TEXT can be replaced by text of your choosing, including some html tags such as the <a> tag.

It won't appear visible in the original article since it is inside an html comment tag, but it will be displayed at the bottom of the extract in the module.

So you could do something like:

<!--comment:<a href="">Additional links</a>-->

where obviously you would replace by whatever you want.

I am thinking about modifying the module to automatically display additional links, as a few people have asked about this now, there should be an update sometime in the New Year that will include this, but in the meantime either of the above methods will allow you to include links.
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susan subway boggler
 Subject :External links within articles being stripped out.. 16-12-2010 23:21:43 
Joined: 15-12-2010 06:31:58
Posts: 2
Forum : Featured Items Modules
Topic : External links within articles being stripped out

I've noticed within the Featured Items Carousel that any external links within the displayed Articles are being stripped out. For example, I have an article that has a sentence with the following link: <a name="aHulu2" href="" target="_blank">hulu</a>

When I see it in a blog, the link works as desired. Within the carousel however, the link is replaces with just the text: "hulu". Is this something that I can turn off or sneak in some kind of html comment directive so that my external link stays in place?
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 Subject :External links within articles being stripped out.. 16-12-2010 23:21:42 
Joined: 15-12-2010 06:31:58
Posts: 2
Forum : Featured Items Modules
Topic : External links within articles being stripped out

I've noticed within the Featured Items Carousel that any external links within the displayed Articles are being stripped out. For example, I have an article that has a sentence with the following link: <a name="aHulu2" href="" target="_blank">hulu</a>

When I see it in a blog, the link works as desired. Within the carousel however, the link is replaces with just the text: "hulu". Is this something that I can turn off or sneak in some kind of html comment directive so that my external link stays in place?
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 Subject :Re:File type (MP3) is not supported.. 15-12-2010 14:24:36 
Spiral Scripts Support
Joined: 18-08-2009 10:14:13
Posts: 211
Forum : Other Joomla Extensions
Topic : File type (MP3) is not supported

You just need to change your Joomla configuration to support mp3 file types.

Go to site->global configuration->system in your Joomla admin, go down to media settings->legal extensions, add mp3 to the list, so that it becomes

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Last Edited On: 15-12-2010 14:34:26 By boggler for the Reason
susan subway boggler
 Subject :File type (MP3) is not supported.. 15-12-2010 06:24:25 
Joined: 15-12-2010 02:10:15
Posts: 1
Forum : Other Joomla Extensions
Topic : File type (MP3) is not supported

I just bought Ramdom MP3 Player Pro for Joomla (my site is hosted with a UK co. but with servers in usa). It was easy to install. But I got a big problem. When I tried to install mp3 files to the Media Manager, I got this message "file type is not supported". How can I overcome this issue? Did I just wasted $19? Will
Spiral give me a refund?, or will eventually upgrade this nice player to one with streamming capabilities? I really didn't see coming this obstacule, nor it was stated when I was reading the features of the player
Thanks for any help.
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 Subject :Re:how to.. 07-12-2010 16:51:39 
Spiral Scripts Support
Joined: 18-08-2009 10:14:13
Posts: 211
Forum : Featured Items Modules
Topic : how to

Hi, it should be quite simple to transform it to look like the example you give, you would just need to edit the arrow images that come with the module.

They are Fireworks png images so quite easy to edit.

You might also want to edit the css slightly to remove the background colour so that the background shows through.

The module can display thumbnails and text, text only or thumbnails only. I think case you would probably want to use the thumbnails only option.
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susan subway boggler
 Subject :how to.. 07-12-2010 13:16:11 
Joined: 08-11-2010 20:44:28
Posts: 3
Forum : Featured Items Modules
Topic : how to

ok i'm going to buy caroussel to work with ressource but can you help me for it looks to module at this url :
regards and thank you
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 Subject :Re:Featured Item Carousel error on script when not show buttons.. 29-11-2010 17:22:46 
Spiral Scripts Support
Joined: 18-08-2009 10:14:13
Posts: 211
Forum : Featured Items Modules
Topic : Featured Item Carousel error on script when not show buttons

great, glad the problem is fixed, the change was very simple, just change



if(this.backButton && this.backButton.hasClass('backButton_disabled'))

that way it tests first to see if the button exists before trying to call the method hasClass(), so if it does not exist then no error is generated.

There were several places where the change had to be made, apart from that it was very simple.
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susan subway boggler
 Subject :Re:Featured Item Carousel error on script when not show buttons.. 29-11-2010 16:15:56 
Joined: 18-11-2010 13:44:10
Posts: 5
Forum : Featured Items Modules
Topic : Featured Item Carousel error on script when not show buttons


I have tried your new scrollpane.js and it works fine. No error script issue anymore.

It would be great if you can tell me what you have done with it.

Anyway, thanks for your quick support..

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 Subject :Re:Featured Item Carousel error on script when not show buttons.. 29-11-2010 14:56:14 
Spiral Scripts Support
Joined: 18-08-2009 10:14:13
Posts: 211
Forum : Featured Items Modules
Topic : Featured Item Carousel error on script when not show buttons

In fact I have sent you a new version of the scrollpane.js script, I think it should solve your problem, if it does not, please let me know.
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susan subway boggler
 Subject :Re:Featured Item Carousel error on script when not show buttons.. 29-11-2010 14:27:01 
Spiral Scripts Support
Joined: 18-08-2009 10:14:13
Posts: 211
Forum : Featured Items Modules
Topic : Featured Item Carousel error on script when not show buttons

OK, its wierd because none of these browsers flag this as an error for us.

But it should be possible to fix without great difficulty, all it requires is an extra test to check that the buttons exist, I will add this to the code, I should be able to do this today or tomorrow, you will be able to download the update when it is ready.
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susan subway boggler
 Subject :Re:Featured Item Carousel problem with 2 module.. 29-11-2010 14:07:03 
Joined: 18-11-2010 13:44:10
Posts: 5
Forum : Featured Items Modules
Topic : Featured Item Carousel problem with 2 module


Thanks for the explanation regarding the color. I will try it and will let you know the result.

And regarding to my 2nd question, I have tried it on Firefox, IE8 and Chrome. All give me the same result.

If I have 2 module positions, then I have to set all show button parameter to "NO" to hide the button.

What if I want one module has the button and not for the other?

Please help..

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 Subject :Re:Featured Item Carousel error on script when not show buttons.. 29-11-2010 13:58:41 
Joined: 18-11-2010 13:44:10
Posts: 5
Forum : Featured Items Modules
Topic : Featured Item Carousel error on script when not show buttons


thanks for the reply..

I have tried to Firefox, IE8 and Chrome. All give me the same output..

Check this snapshot:




And when I set the show button "Yes", the script error disappear..

Here is the setting:

I really like this module, especially when it support Mighty Resources.. But I prefer not to show the button.

Please help..
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 Subject :Re:Piano Pro Module Positions?.. 29-11-2010 13:25:53 
Spiral Scripts Support
Joined: 18-08-2009 10:14:13
Posts: 211
Forum : Templates
Topic : Piano Pro Module Positions?


you can see the module positions here:-

There is an open source graphics program called GIMP which can edit photoshop psd files, you can download it here

Or, if you just want to change the text we may be able to do it for you, if you let me know the details I will see what I can do.
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susan subway boggler
 Subject :Re:Featured Item Carousel problem with 2 module.. 29-11-2010 13:04:15 
Spiral Scripts Support
Joined: 18-08-2009 10:14:13
Posts: 211
Forum : Featured Items Modules
Topic : Featured Item Carousel problem with 2 module

It is true that you cannot set the colours independently, it is really a feature rather than a bug, we don't plan to change this behaviour. The reason is that it is not very often that it will be necessary to set the colours independently, and to have that as a feature would require that all the styling information for the carousel module be set through programming, rather than simply by using css style sheets. We think it is better to have the styles set through style sheets, it is much easier then for customers to edit the styles as they wish.

If you want to have different colours for the modules you will need to edit the css for this. You will need to set a module class suffix in the module parameters for one of your modules, for example set it to ')custom'

Then set the colour for each module to the same value, you will then need to edit the style sheet for that colour, which is in the folder css/colors. Select all the styles, copy and paste them so that you have duplicated them all.

For the second set of styles, add in the extra selector

div.featureditemscarousel_custom, so for example

div.featureditemscarousel_pane.scrollpane div.carousel_outer{ background-color:#ffffff; }


div.featureditemscarousel_custom div.featureditemscarousel_pane.scrollpane div.carousel_outer{ background-color:#ffffff; }

You can then edit the colour properties for these styles as you wish.

Sorry if this seems rather involved, it is really down to the limitations of using css, but usually this is an advantage as it keeps things simple.

In answer to your second question, can you say which web browser you are using? We have not found any problem with the buttons.
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Last Edited On: 29-11-2010 13:05:25 By boggler for the Reason
susan subway boggler
 Subject :Re:Featured Item Carousel error on script when not show buttons.. 29-11-2010 12:46:23 
Spiral Scripts Support
Joined: 18-08-2009 10:14:13
Posts: 211
Forum : Featured Items Modules
Topic : Featured Item Carousel error on script when not show buttons

Can you tell me which web browser you are using? We have tested the script on a variety of browsers and we don't find that this line of code causes problems.
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susan subway boggler
 Subject :Piano Pro Module Positions?.. 27-11-2010 17:27:06 
Joined: 27-11-2010 16:57:33
Posts: 1
Forum : Templates
Topic : Piano Pro Module Positions?


I bought the Piano Pro Template.
Where can I see the module positions? Do you have an overview?

Do I have to work with Photoshop to change the header? Or are there any variables to change in the css to get another text?

Documentation would be very fine?


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Last Edited On: 27-11-2010 17:29:07 By dirkdoeppert for the Reason
 Subject :Featured Item Carousel error on script when not show buttons.. 27-11-2010 15:33:26 
Joined: 18-11-2010 13:44:10
Posts: 5
Forum : Featured Items Modules
Topic : Featured Item Carousel error on script when not show buttons


I have installed Featured Item Carousel. And when I set the show buttons to NO this error occurred in script.

this.backButton is undefined
[Break on this error] if(this.backButton.hasClass('backButton_disabled'))
scrollpane.js (line 112)

It makes the auto scroll running not properly.
What's wrong?

Please help..

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Last Edited On: 27-11-2010 15:34:40 By ngarasan for the Reason
 Subject :Featured Item Carousel problem with 2 module.. 27-11-2010 15:27:44 
Joined: 18-11-2010 13:44:10
Posts: 5
Forum : Featured Items Modules
Topic : Featured Item Carousel problem with 2 module


I have installed Featured Item Carousel and all works fine until I tried to copy the module and placed the copy to other module position. There are problem when I have 2 position module.

1. The color can not be set independently.

Here is the detail: Let say, I have first module on "Left" position and second module on "bottom" position. When I set the color of first module to silver and the second module to blue, then both module will be blue.
They are not independent each others.

2. View Button also can not be set independently.

And it seems some other parameter have the same problem.

Please need your help..
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 Subject :Re:Amazon plugin error.. 23-11-2010 11:00:55 
Spiral Scripts Support
Joined: 18-08-2009 10:14:13
Posts: 211
Forum : Amazon Web Services
Topic : Amazon plugin error

It looks like your version of PHP is less that 5.1.2, as the hmac function is not supported with versions before that.

Unfortunately it is essential in order to create the hashed signature which Amazon now requires, it no longer supports unsigned requests.

I think that the only way you can solve this is to upgrade your version of PHP. Some hosting providers will use PHP 4 by default but offer a way of upgrading to PHP 5 so I suggest looking into that.

If you are using PHP 4 at the moment I really would recommend that you do this anyway. While Joomla will normally run using PHP4 it is no longer officially supported, is much less secure, and you are likely to get other errors on your site too.
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susan subway boggler
 Subject :Amazon plugin error.. 22-11-2010 20:48:48
Joined: 22-11-2010 20:07:48
Posts: 1
Forum : Amazon Web Services
Topic : Amazon plugin error


I have just purchased you extension and get the following error when I try to use it on my site:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: hash_hmac() in /homepages/45/d197517075/htdocs/mathsis/plugins/content/amazonWS.php on line 413

What do I need do?

I have cURL enabled and I have entered my amazon associates id.

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 Subject :Re:Show Partial Information in List View.. 19-11-2010 16:35:31 
Spiral Scripts Support
Joined: 18-08-2009 10:14:13
Posts: 211
Forum : Amazon Web Services
Topic : Show Partial Information in List View

great - glad to help
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susan subway boggler
 Subject :Re:Show Partial Information in List View.. 19-11-2010 15:32:46 
Red Horse
Joined: 12-09-2009 17:48:19
Posts: 12
Forum : Amazon Web Services
Topic : Show Partial Information in List View

Solved the problem completely and really makes the plugin so much more versatile.

Thanks for taking the time to give me the specific changes that had to be made. That saved me a significant amount of time.
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 Subject :Re:Show Partial Information in List View.. 19-11-2010 15:32:37 
Red Horse
Joined: 12-09-2009 17:48:19
Posts: 12
Forum : Amazon Web Services
Topic : Show Partial Information in List View

Solved the problem completely and really makes the plugin so much more versatile.

Thanks for taking the time to give me the specific changes that had to be made. That saved me a significant amount of time.
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 Subject :Re:Amazon Plugin Error.. 19-11-2010 15:08:30 
Red Horse
Joined: 12-09-2009 17:48:19
Posts: 12
Forum : Amazon Web Services
Topic : Amazon Plugin Error

Purchased a new license, updated the plugin, and it solves the problem completely. Now I'll try following your advice for the templating.

Thanks for your usual fast response.

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 Subject :Re:Amazon Plugin Error.. 19-11-2010 13:12:15 
Spiral Scripts Support
Joined: 18-08-2009 10:14:13
Posts: 211
Forum : Amazon Web Services
Topic : Amazon Plugin Error

Updating to the latest version should solve the other problem you were having, as it includes a test to see if all the amazon keywords etc are blank, and if so generates no output.
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susan subway boggler
 Subject :Re:Show Partial Information in List View.. 19-11-2010 13:09:36 
Spiral Scripts Support
Joined: 18-08-2009 10:14:13
Posts: 211
Forum : Amazon Web Services
Topic : Show Partial Information in List View

If you update to the latest version of the plugin it includes a new templating system which makes it much easier to do this.

The templates are in the plugin files amazonWS/tmpl/article.php and amazonWS/tmpl/blog.php

In your case, to just have the title and image in the blog view you would amend the template to

<h3 class="amazonWS"><?php echo $lists->title; ?></h3><br />

<?php echo $lists->thumbnail; ?>

If you want to use the larger sized image you can use

<?php echo $lists->image; ?>

Also the new version should solve the other problem you were having, as it includes a test to see if all the amazon keywords etc are blank, and if so generates no output.
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Last Edited On: 19-11-2010 13:10:54 By boggler for the Reason
susan subway boggler
 Subject :Show Partial Information in List View.. 19-11-2010 12:15:28 
Red Horse
Joined: 12-09-2009 17:48:19
Posts: 12
Forum : Amazon Web Services
Topic : Show Partial Information in List View


Is it possible to customize - or add the option - to pull a portion of the Amazon listing into the Blog or List view? In my case I'd like to show the item photo and label in the list view and leave the rest for full view.

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 Subject :Amazon Plugin Error.. 19-11-2010 03:01:03 
Red Horse
Joined: 12-09-2009 17:48:19
Posts: 12
Forum : Amazon Web Services
Topic : Amazon Plugin Error


Is it possible to use AWS plugin in a section where I make the use of the plugin optional? Some items being entered will be available on Amazon, and others will not be available.

Right now when the AWS plugin is enabled, and a user does not fill it in, I get the warning message Your request should have atleast 1 of the following parameters: 'Keywords','Title','Power','BrowseNode','Artist','Author','Actor','Director','AudienceRating',' etc. . .

Even with the error message disabled I still see the title of the plugin and the word reviews. I'm hoping that I'm missing a configuration combination that would take care of this.

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Last Edited On: 19-11-2010 03:13:05 By Red Horse for the Reason Error
 Subject :Re:GoogleBaseXML bug on xml and txt.. 09-11-2010 11:19:02 
Spiral Scripts Support
Joined: 18-08-2009 10:14:13
Posts: 211
Forum : Virtuemart Extensions
Topic : GoogleBaseXML bug on xml and txt

The bad characters may arise if you have pasted the product description from a word processor where these contain special characters - these can result in invalid html.

Usually they will display OK on a web page as modern web browsers are very forgiving of validation problems, but will cause problems with xml, as the rules for validating xml must be strictly followed. If you are having these problems I think you could try running the offending items through an html validator.
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susan subway boggler
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*****Now compatible with Joomla 1.6******* A Flash puzzle game for the Joomla! content management system. This would be suitable for a site aimed at children. Compatible with Joomla 1.5 and Joomla 1.6.


