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Mod Featured Items

This is the entry-level version of the featured items module.
Sales price: £5.00

Manufacturer: Inspiration Web Design

Compatible with Joomla 1.5, 2.5 and 3.0


badge mediumThis is the entry-level version of the featured items module for the Joomla 1.5/2.5/3.0 CMS. It can be used to display extracts from selected Joomla articles (from the core content component).

The module displays an extract from each featured article, plus an image thumbnail. The articles to be featured can be selected by section, category or article id.

The module also includes integration with JomSocial and Community Builder. It can be used to display articles by the profiled user whenever a user profile is viewed.




More features

  1. Firstly the entire article intro text can be displayed, with all html tags, not just an extract.
  2. The module supports content plugins.
  3. Also as well as pre-selected categories the module can display articles from the current category or section. This is a powerful feature that now means that you can do things like display random articles, or the latest articles from the category currently being viewed.

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