A module extension for the Joomla CMS. It plays a random list of flv video files using the Flash media player.
Sales price: £12.00
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Compatible with Joomla 1.5 and 2.5
A module extension for the Joomla CMS. It plays a random list of flvs using the Flash media player.
Usage. Install the module using the Joomla installer. Enable it using the module manager. Upload your flvs to the folder ‘media/flvs’. That’s it.
You can change the folder used for the flvs by changing the module parameters in the module manager, also you can choose the number of flvs selected - the default is 5.
Content Plugin
As well as a module, the player can be used as a content plugin, allowing it to be embedded directly into the Joomla! article content - great for video podcasting and similar applications. The content plugin can play either a random selection of videos, or a specified list.