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We have a new release version 3.0.3 of our extension Featured Product Grid for Virtuemart.

product grid

This is a maintenance release which includes some bug fixes, mainly to improve the support for display of Virtuemart 3 custom fields. The module now properly supports Virtuemart cart fields and can update prices in response to variant selections.

This release also adds some support for the Joomla updater, so that in future the site admin will be informed when an update is available.  However because it is a commercial module you will still need to download a copy from your account, or use the install from URL option by supplying your download link. This is due to the limitations of the Joomla updater which does not provide a straightforward way for commercial extensions to validate the download.

New Release Version 3.0.3 of Featured Product Grid

Yesterday an issue with the Amazon Shopping Cart checkout function was brought to our attention. If a customer uses the checkout button to click through to Amazon, they will be confronted with a message saying that there are no items in their cart - not good!

Issue with Amazon Shopping Cart Checkout

We have a new release, version 1.6.3 of our Amazon Shopping Cart extension for logo2 small

These a maintenance release which fixes some bugs that have come to light since the release of version 1.6.2, and adds a few improvements. The new version has these changes:-

  1. More fixes to the pagination of search results
  2. Fixes an issue with the checkout purchase URL
  3. Improvements to the product search module
  4. Adds an option to select the menu item for click-through pages

You are recommended to update if you can, due to the fix for the purchase URL issue. If this is not convenient, then read this article for an alternative way to fix it:

New Release Version 1.6.3 of Amazon Shopping Cart Extension

We have a new release, version 1.6.2 of our Amazon Shopping Cart extension for logo2 small

These a maintenance release which fixes some small but annoying bugs that have come to light since the release of version 1.6.0. The new versions fixes these issues:-

  1. pagination of search results
  2. caching the Amazon Similar products module output
  3. Saving the download link in the update admin section

These are fairly minor issues, but the one with the updater means that at the moment existing customers cannot automatically update using the Joomla updater. You will need to update by downloading the installation package using your download link, and then installing it using the Joomla installer. There is no problem with doing this, you do not need to uninstall your current version. Once you have updated, and pasted your download link into the cart admin, you will be able to use the Joomla update manager.

New Release Version 1.6.2 of Amazon Shopping Cart Extension

We have a new release, version 1.6.0 of our Amazon Shopping Cart extension for Joomla, and version 3.9 of our AmazonWS content plugin for Joomla. amazon logo2 small

These a maintenance releases with two important new features: there are some significant improvements to the way that the caching system works; and the ability to show similar products to the ones currently being viewed as a way to increase buying opportunities for customers.

So the general intention of the new features is to prevent issues (so far as possible) caused by Amazon throttling, when Amazon consider that your site is making too many requests and refuses to supply any results. The caching improvements mean that it is possible to store results much longer, while still showing current ones when they are available. The similar products display is designed to provide an alternative way of showing products rather than just displaying them in a long list (which can result in throttling problems).

The caching improvements are available in both the Amazon Shopping Cart and the AmazonWS content plugin. The similar products display is available as part of the Amazon Shopping Cart package.

New Release Version 1.6 of Amazon Shopping Cart Extension


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