Color Picker Form Field for Joomla

We have released a new color picker tool for Joomla developers.

This tool for is designed to generate a color picker custom form field for use in Joomla extensions. It is compatible with Joomla 1.5 and 1.6, with Mootols 1.1 and 1.2, and does not require any other javascript library, so no conflicts with the Joomla administrator template. It is very lightweight, consisting of a single javascript file, plus the Joomla element and form field classes necessary to generate the custom parameter. It can be used in component, module or plugin parameters to generate a color picker from which the user can select a color.

The color picker modifies a standard Joomla parameter text field to generate a color picker. It returns a six-digit hexadecimal color code. It decays gracefully - if, for any reason, the script does not function, then the user will see a standard text field. However, is has been tested in Internet Explorer 7 and 8, plus Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera and Safari, and should work in any standards-compliant browser.



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