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Mod Featured Items Carousel

*****Now compatible with Joomla 1.6******* A module extension for the the Joomla 1.5 + 1.6 CMS. It displays a short excerpt from articles in a selected category or section, or from a specified list of articles, with link and optional thumbnail image.
( Inspiration Web Design )

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*****Now compatible with Joomla 1.6*******


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A module extension for the the Joomla 1.5 + 1.6 CMS. It displays a short excerpt from articles in a selected category or section, or from a specified list of articles, with link and optional thumbnail image. The articles can be selected either from the Joomla core content component, or the Mighty Extensions Resources component.

The items are displayed as a carousel, either horizontal or vertical, with the scroller responding to either mouse click or mouse hover actions. Not only does it look really cool, it is a great space-saver.

This highly versatile module allows you to feature articles picked by id, by section or by category. The articles can be ordered in a variety of ways, including by the number of hits, or by the modification date, the title, random or custom ordering, allowing the module to function like the 'latest news' module, or like the 'most read' module, as well as displaying individually chosen articles, or used to display a random article.

The module displays a thumbnail plus an extract from the text with a link to the article for each item. There is a choice of colour schemes.

The module can use GD graphics for improved thumbnail quality. The administrator can set the length of the article excerpt either by setting the number of characters or the number of sentences.

K2 Integration

The module now includes support for K2 as the content source. It can display text taken from the K2 intro text, and images taken from the K2 image field or embedded in the text.


Mighty Extensions Resources Integration

Version 3.0 now features integration with Mighty Extensions Resources. It can display text taken from the text, textarea and html field types, and thumbnails taken from the image or picture field types, as well as images embedded in html fields.

It also allows the use of comment tags to display special information about the article (see documentation).

The module also includes integration with K2 Users, Community Builder, Mighty Extensions Touch and JomSocial. It can be used to display articles by the profiled user whenever a user profile is viewed.

Other Features

  1. Firstly the entire article intro text can now be displayed, with all html tags, not just an extract.
  2. The module now supports content plugins.
  3. Also as well as pre-selected categories the module can display articles from the current category or section. This is a powerful feature that means that you can do things like display random articles, or the latest articles from the category currently being viewed.
  4. The module can cache resized images for improved efficiency
  5. There is an optional auto-scroll feature


Usage. Install the module using the Joomla installer. Enable it using the module manager.

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