Our Panel Slider Module for Joomla 1.6/1.7/2.5/3 displays your images in an attractive and unusual scrolling javascript slideshow.
The display is customizable, you can fully set the dimensions of the display through the module parameters. Other options available include the panel colour (set through a handy colour picker), the panel opacity (set through a slider), the controller display, autostart options, and the duration of each slide.
This basic version of the module requires no external extensions. Very easy to set up, you can upload your images using the Joomla uploader which is embedded in the module administration. Just add your images, captions and links as a series of slides and publish the module. You can have as many image slides as you want, and can easily add, delete or re-order them through the module admin.
You can view a working example plus details of the module administration here.
Please note this module is for Joomla 1.6/1.7/2.5/3 only.
This module uses the Mootools javascript library distributed with Joomla 1.6/1.7/2.5/3 - it does not use Flash or require any additional javascript libraries.
The slideshow can automatically integrate with our free Imgen component, to allow for dynamic resizing and watermarking of images.