VM2 Product Snapshot

One of the features that we liked from the old versions of Virtuemart 1.1x was the product snapshot plugin. This was a Joomla content plugin that allowed you to embed Virtuemart product information directly into a Joomla article.

Inspired by this we decided to recreate the plugin for Virtuemart version 2 and Joomla 2.5. We are now releasing our VM2 Product Snapshot Plugin in two versions: a basic free version, and a commercial version with lots of extra features.

Both versions allow you to optionally embed a product thumbnail, plus description, price and add to cart button. The commercial version comes with a variety of extra layouts, the ability to display additional images for the product, and a more sophisticated add to cart button.


Download the free version

Buy the commercial version

You can see some examples of the layouts here.

All the output is controlled through templates (which can be overridden in your site template), making it easy to customize the layout as you require with some basic knowledge of html and css.

Read the documentation for further information.